Notification to McDonald’s executives Gloria Santona, Steve Easterbrook, and Malcolm Hicks

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From: Vincent B. Le Corre

SUBJECT: defamation against my consumer protection websites

DATE: December 8, 2016 at 00:05 (Beijing time +0800)

TO : Gloria Santona <>, Steve Easterbrook <>, Malcolm Hicks <>

I forgot to mention…

As for me, I am going to file a lawsuit against “X” (but targeting McDonald’s) for, among other things, defamation. Indeed, it seems some of your executives were behind some defamatory comment against my websites. One such comment was saying that my website was the fraud. Amazing and shameful from your employees!

[Victim/key witness/whistleblower’s name, redacted for privacy] (Visit for more information)

To gain a clearer understanding of the sequence of events in this case, I invite you to view a detailed timeline at the following link:
This timeline provides a comprehensive overview of the key milestones and developments.


Vincent B. Le Corre

I am the key witness and whistleblower in the major criminal RICO case targeting McDonald’s Corporation and their accomplices for fraud, money laundering, and corruption of foreign officials and magistrates. Initially granted anonymity by the European Court of Human Rights (Rules 33 and 47 of the Rules of Court), I made the decision in August 2023 to temporarily go public with my identity. This decision, driven by concerns for my own safety and that of my loved ones, was taken despite the potential risks, hoping it will be temporary only and that I can return to anonymity soon.